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Software On-Demand

Alpine ERP

Alpine eHRMS

eLearning System

Priority Customer

Career Opportunity



It is no secret that any successful company would need a suite of business sottware to manage its operations. Traditionally, software licenses has to be purchased and good software can cost a hefty sum of money that is much more than the total cost of hardware.

Alpine realises the requirements of customer need for business software and under Alpine's on-demand software services, customers don't pay hefty up-front license fees, as they have been doing in the past. Instead, they pay by the month to access the software over the Web. With the availability of this on-demand software services from Alpine, why buy when you can subscribe?

As business become increasingly global, there is a need to host the business software even if you buy the license and it makes no difference whether you pay a hefty sum upfront to buy it or pay a small sum monthly to subscribe for it.

The benefits of subscription as opposed to outright purchase are plenty and that includes cost savings on hardware servers, expert manpower to maintain the system, space to keep the hardware and manpower and a host of other activities relating to the matters of having bought the software license. In short, it simply means that you cut away all the substantial expenses relating to the business software maintenance, relaease yourself from the problems arising from the software maintenance, upgrade and other staff related problems and free yourself to concentrate on your core business. With so many pluses, it is no wonder that on-demand software services are the way to go today.

2. Business Software Evolving For Over A Decade
2. Business Software Evolving For Over A Decade
The Alpine eBusiness Systems has a long history of users and has been around for over a decade. Alpine eBusiness System is under continuous Research and Development under Alpine MSC, a Malaysian Multimedai Super Corridor Status Company.

3. Microsoft Based System
3. Microsoft Based System
The Alpine eBusiness System and eHRMS are developed under the Microsoft platform. Alpine has long been a Microsoft Certified Partner and this Microsoft Platform is familiar with most users.

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