>> Alpine eHRMS |

Minister of Human Resources officiating at the launch of the Alpine HRMS and signing cermony with University Utara Malaysia to use the Alpuine HRMS Portal.
The ALPINE eHRMS is designed to enhance Human Resources management by putting information at your fingertips in this competitive modern world. This web based system provides a rare combination of beneficial features useful to the local human resources environment designed by Human Resources experts in collaboration with Universiti Utara Malaysia, UUM. The eHRMS sits on top of the latest powerful technology from Microsoft.
Alpine eHRMS is designed to enhance business management by putting information at your fingertips in this competitive modern world. Consisting of the Payroll, Leave , Health, Safety and Time Management Systems, Alpine eHRMS offers a comprehensive and beneficial features useful to the local business environment sitting on top of the latest powerful technology from Microsoft.
Benefits of Alpine eHRMS
Alpine eHRMS is the answer for managers who need to compile a comprehensive set of human resource details at any point of time. Designed to provide a wealth of information and leave ample time for the human resources manager to make good decisions, Alpine eHRMS makes available accurate requirement reports. Making business decisions becomes a breeze when you have instant access to your customers transactions and credit limits just by clicking the mouse. While performing all these, you may at the same time be viewing the details of value and quantity.
Technology and Features
Alpine eHRMS is a state of the art web based application software developed on the Microsoft SQL and ASP architecture for Applications technologies. With the latest technology, users can be assigned specific rights on the system down to screen level with tight security features. Alpine eHRMS utilize the power of the client server Microsoft SQL 2000 and above to the optimum level.
The Alpine eHRMS consists of ePAY & eHRIS integrated in the following modules:
System Requirement:
- Pentium4 Server with 512MB RAM and 80GB hard disk
- Workstation PC with 128MB RAM & 20GB hard disk
- Microsoft Win2003 Server & Microsoft SQL 2005 server
- Workstation with Microsoft windows2000/XP/7 and IE 6.0
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ALPINE provides full enterprise solutions for eHRMS solutions and caters for both the enterprise and standard eHRMS editions.
The Alpine eHRMS Std Edition is made up of Personnel Records, Recruitment, Appraisal, TMS, Leave & Payroll while the Enterprise Edition include Training & HRDF, Health & Safety, Income Tax, Multiple-Way Appraisal, Manpower Planning, Organization Charting, HR Letters, and other enhanced features. Other modules include Document Management, eInformation Center, Knowledge Base and ESOS.
With globalization, organizations require WEB BASED eHRMS today where they once only use pen and paper. Productivity enhancement tools are indispensable and the eHRMS would have to provide for online leave application among a host of other functions. Overall, a smart organization today manages employees using the online self service systems, smart alert systems and internet based systems that will fit into place to enhance the productivity of each organization.
Personnel Records The Alpine eHRMS provides a complete Personnel File with details of personal record. Important documents such as MyKad and certificates can be uploaded and viewed Online. Comprehensive HR reports with search engines such are invaluable for example Report by Job Grade with drill down to individual record details.
Employee Benefits Keep track of all the employee benefits and staff who are enjoying those benefits. With the online system, authorized personnel can track benefits such as Company Car, Club Membership, Mobile Phone, or Notebooks. Service Awards can be automated while Retirement Benefits are taken care of by the Alpine eHRMS.
HR Letters To streamline the HR process, a lot of HR letters can be automated. Offer Letters, Confirmation Letters, Service Award Letters, Increment Letters, Extension of Probation and Certification Letters can be automatically generated from the eHRMS to ensure accuracy.
Recruitment Recruitment is an ongoing process for a healthy company and much can be done to enhance productivity and accuracy of the process. The Alpine eHRMS provides online candidate application and Interview Details. Selection of candidate and making the offer can be recorded online while the Global Data keeps track of all resumes received from applicants.
Disciplinary Action Take action and have the letter automatically ready for printout and the record listed in employee records.
Appraisal The power of the Alpine eHRMS lies in the flexibility for the organization to set the Performance Indicators, Grade, and Appraisal periods. The automated computation of grade and inclusion of the Evaluation Record in the employee file greatly enhances productivity so that managers can focus on the online promotions or demotion and salary increments by amount or percentage. Optional Management appraisal is available while the online appraisal by managers, subordinates, peers or third parties sums up the power and sophistication of the Alpine eHRMS.
Organization Chart The Alpine HRMS makes available graphical Auto charting with choice of positions only or with the names of staff. This takes away hours of preparing the organization charts especially when changes are made.
Staff Movement The Alpine eHRMS makes it convenient to Change Shift or Department and takes care of Confirmation, Resignations, Terminations & Retrenchment. Shift patterns can be set in advance and changes made for future dates as and when necessary.
ePayroll The Alpine ePAYROLL generates the payroll by automatically taking into consideration the leave and attendance data to compute the salary and overtime. The Alpine ePayroll covers unlimited Allowance and Deductions, Employee Loan repayments, Overtime, Bonus, Expenses Claims & many others.
eLeave Online application and approval of leave is the norm for today's successful organizations as productivity and accuracy is greatly enhanced. The Alpine eHRMS even go to the extent of automatically calculating the leave balance, leave carry forward and leave forfeit according to your company leave policies setup
TMS Automate your attendance records by capturing the time in and out with the Touch Card or Fingerprint Readers. With the upload of time attendance data, gone will be the days of tedious calculations for attendance and overtime calculations that will be done automatically by the system in accordance to the shifts and OT rates.
Manpower Planning The Alpine eHRMS allow all department heads to submit their manpower requirements for a specific period and the total manpower requirement is automatically consolidated for the HR manager to make the final decisions.
Training Training is a vital component in employee development and it is important to allow proper planning of courses and online registration to attend courses. Training records and training effectiveness of each course is measured online with the Alpine eHRMS. At the same time, the HRDF tracking will let us know real time how much training funds are used or are available.
Health & Safety Insurance and Medical programs available for employees. The online system includes medical and dental claims with flexibility of limits set by the company. The medical checkup system keeps track and prompt the next medical check until its completion. Online information for renewals of safety equipments is a useful tool while and records of incidence in the organization helps to keep track of trends. eInformation Make information accessible to employees easily with the online Employee Handbook, Message Board, Suggestion Box, Telephone Messages, Bus, and Hostel Information. Make it convenient to make reservations and approvals online for Meeting Rooms, Company Holiday Resort, and any other company Facilities.
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